Wednesday, February 12, 2014

EdealSaving: Amazon Review!

As I've stated in other reviews, I now have a ton of silicone cases I ordered from Most of which I ordered through Cbus. I really like Cbus because their mold is perfect for my Blackberry. It fits perfectly and I can access everything the same (its cut perfectly so I can still charge my phone, use my camera/flash, etc). I saw this really pretty purple case that I HAD to have! EdealSaving were the sellers. I've bought cases from another company before (besides Cbus) and the case didn't fit as well. My phone is black with silver around the edges, Cbus cases cover the silver completely, but this other brand did not. So it doesn't look as good. EdealSaving fits really well. Not quite as good as Cbus, but still good. Only a tiny sliver of silver shows. You can barely even see it. Cbus has a purple case (I own it =D), but it's a deeper purple. The one EdealSaving has is this gorgeous lighter purple. Online it looks really light, almost a dull kind of purple. In person it reminds me of a berry smoothie lol. It's a really nice purple. I like it way better than I did in the pics! I paid $4.49 and it came with a stylus pen. The pen is useless, but I didn't buy it for that (thank goodness...). The string is too short and the pen only works on the track pad. I use my thumb for my track pad. Oh well. I paid $8.98 total, which is still way less than I would be able to get one at the T-Mobile store. So if you're in the market for a case, check out first! Just put in your phone type.

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