Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sally Hansen Triple Shine: Make Waves Review!

I LOVE blue nail polish. I'm not really sure why lol. I just think blue's are such gorgeous colors. My favorite colors are pink and blue. This shade is especially gorgeous! It's a chrome blue. I absolutely love it! I've read other reviews about it where they've said they needed 4 coats to get the true color, the way it looks in the bottle. I mean, I don't wanna be rude to those people, but Idk how they use nail polish then lol. I used 2 coats and it looks exactly like it does in the bottle. Other reviews made this sound like a polish that's too light. It's not though, don't be fooled. Maybe they just had a bad experience with it, or are used to darker colors maybe. This blue is NOT a dark shade of blue. It's meant to be a medium shade of blue, and it is. You can't see my nail under it either. Even after reading reviews that weren't very favorable to this nail polish, I still bought it. I had been really wanting to get my hands on it for quite some time. I wanted to try it for myself. If this is a shade you wanted to try, but read bad reviews, I would still suggest you try it yourself. You could have a very different experience from someone else. I recommend this shade for sure! Gorgeous!

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