Thursday, July 4, 2013

Yes To Blueberries Line Reducing Lip Treatment Review!

I just got this the other day as part of my Yes To Blueberries Age Refresh Face & Lip Kit, so I haven't had it long enough to see visible change in the lines in my lips, yet. I will say though, it feels amazing on my lips! They had actually peeled a couple days before and I had a wound on my lip =(. I put this on two separate times and the wound closed up! I was very impressed how soft it made my lips again! I ended up buying a second kit yesterday since they were on sale for half off and you can usually only find the Lip Treatment online. I wonder if Target always carries those kits? I have never noticed them before. I hope they do. I would for sure purchase it again! Especially if they're on sale again! $7.48 for a 3 piece kit, wow!

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