Thursday, August 1, 2013

Big Brother Review!

I take back everything I said in my other review for this piece of garbage show. CBS should be ashamed of themselves! Supporting people who are so racist, so vile, so mean. Remember in an earlier season when that girl no one liked got kicked off for throwing her mic? That was unacceptable, but being racist and bullying people IS acceptable? CBS doesn't deserve a network. If this is the future of the show, there should be no future. Them putting that disclaimer before the show now is a joke! It's basically them saying they won't take responsibility for anything the house guests say or do, and that they don't support it. How are they NOT supporting it? They aren't doing anything to put a stop to it. Also, did you guys know since Amanda is friends with the producer, she is the predetermined winner of BB? So why are we watching? Why are we voting? It's all for nothing. I really do hope Amanda walks out the door tonight, but it would take a miracle. You would think CBS would stop protecting her. When America voted Amanda as the 3rd nominee, that should have been their wake up call that Amanda needs to go. The only reason this show is on the air is because of us giving them our ratings. Well they don't deserve them! They're going to REWARD someone for their OUTRAGEOUS, DISGUSTING behavior. This network needs to go down in flames. They are garbage. Why was Amanda even allowed to be on the show when she not only knows the producer, but is good friends with her? This is ridiculous. I have already written CBS directly. Ratings need to plummet and we need to get this show off the air. 15 seasons is enough now. Like I said before, if this is the future of the show, why does it need to continue? Let's put this show to bed, for good!

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