Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Kitchen Scramble Review!

I was going through my news feed on Facebook yesterday when I saw a "suggested game". It looked cute so I thought, "Okay, why not?". It's actually super fun! You play a character named Pepper. She has a food truck with organic food. People come up and order things and you have to make them. They start you off easy; a fried egg, a baked potato. All you do with the egg is put it on the skillet, then you just take it off before it burns and give it to the customer. Same for the potato, only you put it in the oven. Then it gets more advanced the higher you go. So then you make things like omelette's; which requires a few ingredients. You put it in the mixer first, then into the skillet, then to the customer. It's so much fun. I'm not sure why, but I'm absolutely hooked! Ha ha. I would recommend it! It's really fun =)

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