Friday, May 31, 2013

Remember Sunday Review!

I watched this movie a little while back and ended up saving it on my DVR. It's so cute! I don't normally go for cutsie movies that often, but this one had Alexis Bledel in it. I love her! So I taped it. Zachary Levi was in it too. He is super cute! It's about a guy who had a brain aneurysm. She was a waitress, he was a jewelry store clerk. They met when she was waiting on him. Because of his aneurysm he forgets everything that happened when he wakes up in the morning. Apparently sleep made it worse. He'd wake up and forget where he was, what he was doing there, what he did the day before. It's a really good movie. They end up falling in love of course and if you wanna know how it ends, you'll have to watch it and find out!

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