Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Avon Foot Works: Lavender Clay Mask Review!

I find this mask a little odd... For a couple different reasons. The first reason being, it's called a MASK, but it doesn't harden. Also there are beads in it that are supposed to exfoliate your feet... But again, it's a MASK, why does it also need to exfoliate? I don't like the scent of it either, but I'm not a lavender fan. It's really hard to get off too. Probably because I didn't soak them in the tub to get it off. I used a wet towel both times I tried it and I kept finding more after I thought I got it all! It goes into creases and doesn't wanna come out. I got this product for free because my Avon lady is amazing and forgot to put one of my products in my bag and felt bad. She got it to me within two days, but still felt like giving me something for free for the trouble, so sweet lol. As I'm grateful to have gotten a free product, I will not be purchasing this in the future. I don't even know if I wanna use what's left of it. I may end up giving it away.

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