Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Whodunnit? Review!

I watched the premiere of this show on Monday (it premiered Sunday, I taped it and watched it Monday). I thought it was really good. I very much like the idea of it. It's pretty unique and fresh. It kind of reminds me of that show, I don't remember the name, but it had people broken down into teams and they were to go to a crime scene that they redid. They would "solve" cases that had already been solved so a team would win if they guessed the right person was the murderer, how they did it, and why. I really liked that show, but I don't think it lasted very long. Anyway! I hope this show sticks around for a while, I'm curious who the murderer is since it's one of the guests living in the house! As of now, I have no idea who it might be, I'm hoping in the episodes to come it'll start to come together and I can start guessing who it is! If you're into CSI type things, you might wanna give this show a try! It's a "reality" version though.

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