Monday, June 17, 2013

Yes To Grapefruit Body Crème Review!

I used this for the first time today and I'm already in love! It's a nice thick body creme, but it's not heavy at all. I thought $10 for a 6oz was a little high, but honestly, I will absolutely repurchase! You really don't need very much to cover a large amount of skin area. So it's worth the money. Also, how can you not love something that's organic? I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but it's terrific! It feels amazing! It smells good too! It says it's for spot correcting, but I wanted something thick, that's why I chose this one. Plus I figured grapefruit scent would be amazing, and it is! I wanna try the Yes To Carrots Super Rich Body Butter next! I've heard nothing but amazing things about it!

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