Monday, June 24, 2013

Bath & Body Works Cinnamon Sugared Donut Candle Review!

I adore this candle! It is my absolute favorite EVER! Since it's Bath & Body Works it burns really evenly and cleanly. You have to check out the wicks before you purchase though, don't get it if the wicks are cut too short. When they're too short and the wax melts, it tends to get the top of it wet and the flame will go out. I love this scent SO much I purchased it in the burning oil as well. I know it's a fall scent, but I can never get enough of it! I might have to stock up this fall when it's out again. Or during Semi Annual Sale. If you don't like food scents, this isn't the candle for you. But if you do like food/sweet scents, you should absolutely check this candle out. It's phenomenal!

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