Saturday, June 15, 2013

EOS Lip Balm Review!

If you've read my other blogs, you know I don't really like this. I was excited when I first discovered them. I was ringing out at Walmart when I noticed them sitting there. I got the summer fruit and loved it. After that I collected all of the lip balms. It's too bad I didn't know before buying all of them what was gonna happen. Now I always use lip products during the day, even if I'm just hanging out at home. Before I didn't wear anything on my lips at home. Last summer I did though because the fan was drying them out. After I used them on a regular basis, they completely dried my lips out. It was gross, my top lip was white and scaly looking. That has never happened before in my life and ever since I stopped using EOS lip balm, it has never happened again. I'm not sure if it's the fact that they only have a few organic ingredients (especially compared to Yes To Carrots lip butter) or what, but something in them freaked my lips out. I would not purchase these again, though the scents are fabulous. I also didn't like how thin it was when it was on my lips. I had to swipe multiple times before I would feel satisfied with the amount covering my lips. I'm also looking to give away the unopened ones I have lol. Perhaps for an add on for birthday gifts or something. We'll see lol. I know a lot of people love this lip balm and I'm happy for the people that it worked out for.

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