Saturday, September 21, 2013

NYC Sparkle Eye Dust: Amethyst Dazzle Review!

I wanted to do a review separately since I wore this one to work today. Before I had just tried them on briefly and wiped them off. At first I was unsure about the color, however I do really like that you can put some on your lid and then kind of decide how dark or light you want it to be. I went on the lighter side. After having it on for a while I really loved it. I think I just am not used to other colors. I always wear brown & white (brown on lid and crease, white from inside corner of eye to outer eyebrow), have for years. So it was just really different. It's such a gorgeous color though! It looked so good with my face completely done (foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara). I really love this color! I would get it again! Now I'm contemplating getting the Aquamarine Sparkle. Even though I don't think green would look good on me (I didn't think purple would either).

*You can get these at for $2.99. I saw online Walmart has the Aquamarine Sparkle in stores, I'm not sure why that's the only color listed...

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