Saturday, September 28, 2013

Trust Review!

I taped this movie on the Lifetime Movie Network a couple weeks ago. It was pretty good! It was about a 14 year old girl who met a boy named Charlie online. They had talked online for a while, then exchanged numbers to text and call each other. They eventually got really flirty and dirty. After a couple months of interacting he asked if she wanted to meet in person. At first she didn't want to, but decided to meet him at a mall. When he approached her, her face looked like it melted. He was not the 20 year old college student he claimed to be, he was in his late 30's! He ended up convincing her that they were soul mates, and age shouldn't matter when you have a connection like that. He brought her back to his hotel room and gave her underwear to try on. She ended up sleeping with him. Her friend told their principal at school about it since she worked in the mall and saw them together. So her parents found out and FREAKED out! Of course... What parent wouldn't?! They had her see a therapist and everything. They kept calling it rape and it would really aggravate her because she felt it was consensual since she thought she loved him. Later the police showed her three pictures of other girls and asked if she knew them. She said no and they informed her that "Charlie" did the same thing to those girls as well. It finally clicked for her that it WAS rape. She tried to kill herself by taking a bottle of prescription meds. Her dad found her in the bathtub and stuck his finger down her throat to make her vomit the pills back out before they rushed her to the hospital. She was okay. They end the movie showing "Charlie" with his wife and son. They ran into one of his students! Yes... He was a teacher! How disgusting is that? The police weren't able to get him for anything. So they ended it with "Charlie" being free.

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