Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yes To Blueberries Softening Facial Exfoliator Review!

I love, love, love this scrub! It's so amazing. When I smelled it in the bottle, I didn't care for the scent, but when I put it on my fingers it smelled SO good! Maybe the plastic made it smell weird, I'm not sure. It smells terrific though. The beads in it are small too, so I feel like they really get down deep into your pores and scrub them clean. After sloughing off all my dead skin, my face was so soft. I used it before I went to bed, so I followed it with my YTB night cream. My face was so soft, I woke up and it was still as smooth as the night before. Before you couldn't find this in stores, but I saw it at Target the other day. I ordered mine online before I realized Target now carries it! $9.99 for a 3.38oz, but it's a 99% natural product, so worth every penny in my opinion! Love this scrub, check it out!

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