Sunday, November 3, 2013

Because I Said So Review!

This movie was on Lifetime today! I love, love, love it! I know it only got a star and a half for it's critique, but there must have been a lot of men rating it lol. It's a great girl movie. Mandy Moore, Lauren Graham, Diane Keaton. Great cast, great acting. It's all about a mother (Diane) who sets up a personal ad for her daughter (Mandy). After interviewing many, many men, she decides an architect named Jason is the perfect fit for her daughter. She sets it up so they meet "accidentally" since she doesn't want her daughter to know she meddled. Another guy she interviewed was a musician, she said absolutely not to him. He swiped one of her daughters cards (she's a chef and does catering) and he met her where she works. At first she thinks she hits it off with both guys, but then she decides only one really makes her feel like herself with him. I won't give away more than that, although this movie did come out in 2007! Ha ha. If you haven't seen it, well what are you waiting for?! It's one of my favorites. You get everything, comedy, drama, etc. It's so flippin good!

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