Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hoarding: Buried Alive Review!

This show is pretty good. I've been watching since the first season. They're in their 4th season currently. The show is pretty much how it sounds. It's about people who hoard. Some homes are much, much worse than others. I watched last nights episode. Wow! This woman lived all by herself (her hoarding pushed everyone in her life away). She had things piled so high she could stand on top of it and touch the ceiling. BUT, she couldn't even stand up all the way, she had to hunch down so she wouldn't bump her head on the ceiling. She also had some roomies. Rats. Massive rats. They were huge. They had giant rat holes outside of her house that made tunnels to the inside. There were well over 20 holes. Tons and tons of rats! Everywhere. They weren't scared of people either, so they just ran around on top of her stuff all day long. By the end of the episode, the roomies had moved out. Her house was spotlessly clean! Hopefully she can keep it that way. 

*If you're interested, you can catch new episodes on TLC at 10/9c.

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