Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Goldfish Crackers Review!

I'm completely obsessed with Goldfish crackers lately! I always get the big cartons of the regular cheddar flavor. I went to Walmart today to pick up 3 cartons (Walmart is a good 30 minutes away, so I like to stock up when I go ;) lol). They were all sold out of the regular! I was so sad! So I got the Whole Grain cheddar. I think they're pretty gross lol. I'm gonna try to get used to them, if not I may have to give them away to someone who likes them. I don't care for the flavor of them. I also got the colored ones. They're okay... It says on the front that it's the same cheddar taste, but it's so not lol. Lastly I got the S'mores grahams ones. I love those! Delicious! I also picked up a small bag of the French Toast grahams. SO TASTY! Next time I go to Walmart I seriously hope they have the regular cheddar in the big cartons. I'll be so sad if they don't have them again!

*I get them at Walmart for $8.

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