Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hostages Review! Update...

So I did a review on this show after the first episode. Now that a few have aired, I have a better opinion. I really dislike this show. However, it's like a train wreck, and I can't possibly stop looking now. Which sucks lol, but now I have to know what's gonna happen. The reason I dislike it is, it's really predictable at this stage, which makes it incredibly boring. If you watched the last episode, you know that the doctor's children were put on a bus to Canada to get away. Did anyone NOT expect the end of the episode when the doctor came back into her house to find her kids in the kitchen? I mean come on. I saw it coming a mile away. It's super dull now. It's supposed to be so exciting and unpredictable. Fail on their part. I'm sorry to those who enjoy this show, happy watching to you! I will continue to watch just to see what happens now. But it definitely is not on the top of my priorities.

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