Thursday, October 17, 2013

Goldfish Puffs Review!

I really wasn't sure what to think of the puffs, but I decided I wanted to try them. I got the Salsa Con Queso and Mega Cheese. The Salsa Con Queso is SO good! I like it A LOT more than I thought I would. I haven't tried the Mega Cheese just yet. I had a feeling I should have bought the last bag of Buffalo Wings puffs too! For some reason I talked myself out of it lol. Next time I'm at Walmart (if they have any left) I'm for sure snagging one! If you haven't tried the puffs yet, they're pretty nice! They're bigger than the original crackers and the crunch sort of reminds me of cheese puffs. I really like them! For sure getting more in the near future!

*I got mine at Walmart for $2.99! You get a 7 oz bag.

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