Thursday, October 24, 2013

New! Yes To Smoothing Lip Balm Review!

These babies are brand spankin new! (Anyone ever wonder why that's a phrase?) So new in fact that they weren't on the floor yet. I asked for help though and they used their Ipod to locate them. They were in the back still, so they went in back and got them for me = ). I wanted one of each. They have grapefruit, blueberry, and pomegranate with SPF. They already have a pomegranate flavor with SPF in their lip butters, but I guess they wanted to do that flavor again. I like the packaging a lot! It's really pretty, and it's an oval shape. They fit nicely in your bag or even your pocket. And if you drop it on the floor it won't roll away from you! The oval shape also fits your lips really well, so very easy application. The flavors are wonderful and the balm itself is fantastic! So smooth and light. Yet long lasting and very moisturizing. You should check them out for sure! You can order them on Target is the only store at the moment that carries these. If they don't have them on the floor yet in your local Target, do what I did and ask for help. If they're in the back they'll more than likely grab it for you!

*2.99 for an organic lip balm is an awesome deal!
*The pomegranate is the only one with SPF.

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