Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Carrie Diaries Review!

This show is the prequel to Sex and the City. I think the concept is really cool. Showing Carrie when she was a teenager. So far in the show the only friend she's met from Sex and the City is Samantha. There are some inaccuracies though that don't really jive with me. The people who came up with this show should have paid closer attention while watching Sex and the City. In the prequel Carrie's mother passes away, she has a little sister, and they're raised by their father. Well on Sex and the City, Carrie says her dad left her and her mom when she was 5, and she never mentions a sister... So clearly they decided not to use the same info (which is stupid, in my opinion). It's very confusing watching it since nothing matches up. In one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie says she loses her virginity when she's in the 11th grade to a boy named Seth Bateman. In the Carrie Diaries, she loses it her senior year to a boy with a different name. I like the show, but I find the inaccuracies very annoying. We haven't seen yet how Carrie meets Charlotte and Miranda. Still waiting for that. Interested to see what other info they get wrong. All in all the show is okay, but I can't say I'm a huge fan. I wish they would have put more effort into paying attention to the details and getting everything correct.

*New episodes on the CW on Friday's at 8/7c. 

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