Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Yes To Carrots Daily Moisture Body Lotion Review!

I know I've done a review on this lotion before, but I wanted to another one. The week of Thanksgiving I was super busy with work (retail). I get eczema on my hands and after working them that hard, my hands were flaking really bad and they hurt. My eczema flared up. Finally I had a day off. After using my lotion only a couple times, I brought them from horrible to beautiful! This lotion really is amazing. I think my skin loves that I use organic, natural products since it seems to drink it right in. It also doesn't irritate my eczema at all. This lotion is amazing, eczema or not. You should check it out!

*You can find it at Target for $9.99 (the yestocarrots website says $12.99, not sure if the price has only gone up there or in stores too...)

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