Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hallmark Kitten Bowl Review!

Hallmark had a Kitten Bowl on Superbowl Sunday. I finally got around to watching the 3 hour event last night. It was the most adorable thing in the world! Granted I did start to get a little bored, but who doesn't love watching cute little baby kitties playing with toys and each other. When they got a toy into the end zone, it counted as a touchdown. They had 4 teams. The first 2 teams faced off, then the second 2 teams. Each of the winners then faced off for the championship. It was adorable. I really liked the ref too, he was cracking me up! The kittens were brought in from a no kill shelter. They said they do Kitten Bowls all over and people attend and then adopt the kittens afterwards. So sweet! They had trivia with celebrities too. For instance, I knew that male cats were called Tom Cats, but I never knew female cats were called Molly Cats. How cute! I also didn't know that tabby cats and black cats have the hardest time getting adopted in shelters. Since they're so "ordinary". The funny thing about that is, we adopted kittens from a stray cat. We feed the strays in the area. She had her kittens elsewhere, but ended up moving them into our backyard. Before winter started, we moved them into the basement. Since we have another cat that we know for sure doesn't have feline leukemia. It's hard to know if strays have it or not since they live outside. So after a few months we got some money together and took the little boy to be fixed and tested. He came back negative! Friday (if weather permits) we're supposed to be taking the little girl to get fixed and tested as well. We already moved them into the house. Back to my point though! The little boy is a black tuxedo cat and the little girl is a tabby. I think they're absolutely adorable! They may be doing another Kitten Bowl on TV next year!

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