Sunday, February 9, 2014

Walmart Boots Review! Part 2

So I got these boots from Walmart last year. They're brown with white trim, they look exactly like Ugg boots. I've worn them for 2 winters now. They're usually amazing. I was digging my car out of 6 inches of snow the other day and my feet were completely dry when I got back in (and yes I had to bury my feet in the snow! lol). For some reason today when I went to run errands, I was having a really terrible time with them! I'm not sure if it's because the ground was mostly wet today, still with solid snow, but it was mostly just wet. Well my boots soaked through! My socks were soaked when I got home 2 hours later. My feet were totally frozen. I couldn't feel them at all! It was so crazy since, like I said, I've never had problems with them before. I also like them because they were only $12, so it really didn't matter when they would get all dirty. My errand running, car-digging-out boots lol. I really didn't care what happened to them as far as looks go. While I was at Walmart today though, I saw these ADORABLE black ones with grey trim. The very last pair and they were in my size! I was so excited. AND they were on sale for $9! Hopefully I have better luck with these ones. I will of course hang on to my brown ones though. I think I would still suggest them, but BE CAREFUL when water is involved!

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