Saturday, April 26, 2014

Black Box Review!

When I first saw the previews for this show, I was like "What in the world...?". They made the previews look really bad, in my opinion. As it got closer to actually airing, they switched it up and showed clips from the show. Then I was thinking this would be something I'd like! It's about a neurologist, Catherine Black. She's bipolar. No one at her job knows about it, or she wouldn't be able to keep her job. When she's on her meds, she's fine. But when she skips taking them, WOW! She says life is beautiful when she's off them. In the first episode we learn that she's engaged to a super hunky man. She has a daughter that she had her brother and his wife adopt. So she's "Auntie Catherine" to her daughter. I'm not sure yet who knows about that. She hadn't even told her man that she's bipolar. But she had to tell him. And also tell him that while she had gone away, she stopped taking her meds, and became hyper sexual after having some crazy hallucinations. She took her driver back to her hotel room. Very intense first episode. We do also learn that she's an amazing Dr. Since she's able to look passed the "norm" and try to help people in the best way she can. Perfect example, an older woman was having hallucinations of a little person. She said he was her friend. They put her on meds and the little person went away. She asked Dr. Black where he went and why she couldn't see him anymore. After learning that the older woman had no one in the world, she took her off the meds and gave her back her friend. Her brain gave her what she needed, a friend and companion. It's a really good show! You should check it out if it sounds like something you may be interested in!

*You can catch new episodes on ABC, Thursdays at 10/9c. 

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