Thursday, April 24, 2014

Monistat 1 Combination Pack Review!

So, I'm curious what I did in a past life to deserve ANOTHER yeast infection! I got one before my last period and I got one before this period too. Seriously? I'll be sure to take my AZO Yeast Infection tablets everyday FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!! (They prevent future infections). This is my 3rd one in total in my life. My mom picked me up this Monistat 1 combination pack. It included the cure, "ovule insert", is what they call it. It looks like a little egg sitting on top of the applicator. Kind of strange lol. But I guess the egg dissolves/melts. The pack also included an anti itch topical cream. You can use the cream twice a day. I did need to use it twice yesterday, but the itching decreased almost immediately! By the end of the day (I inserted the little egg in the morning) it didn't itch at all! I was sore though because I have to wear jeans at work and even though I wear pajama jeans, they're still tight. So I'm off today and tomorrow and you can bet I'm in sweat pants! lol. I saw this got really bad reviews from other women. I'm so glad I didn't read them before trying it. I saw mostly complaints about burning. I didn't feel any burning at all. The itching didn't increase either (and it even says in the warnings that it could increase burning and itching). The last product I tried DID increase my itching. It was miserable. But as I said, with Monistat it actually decreased the itching. The applicator with Monistat is also much easier to use than my last one. I was having a really hard time getting the applicator in the correct spot (I actually wonder if I got THIS yeast infection because I didn't get it far enough last time). This applicator was super easy though. Just inserted it like I would insert a tampon and it went really far this time. So fingers crossed that putting it far enough and using AZO will keep the infections at bay now! Ugh only now I have to suffer through my period using pads. It says you can use tampons after all symptoms go away, and they have, but I'm afraid the medicine is still in there killing fungus. I don't wanna mess it up! Since tampons will absorb the medicine and then you're screwed and have to start all over again. NO THANKS! All in all, I would absolutely recommend Monistat. However, I will say, it seems each individual woman has their own experience and their own reaction. So just because I had a good run with it, doesn't mean everyone will, unfortunately. And Monistat is more expensive. It was $25 after tax at Walgreens. Roughly $10 more than I paid for the store brand last time, but I had a way better experience.

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