Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Victoria's Secret: Long Sleeve T Shirt Review!

On Mother's Day after lunch, our first stop on the Plaza was H&M, our second stop was Victoria's Secret! I gave my mom my coupon for the incredible pantie. You could buy it for $5 instead of $12.50. I've never seen coupons like that before, I've only seen the free one's. My free one was my main reason for wanting to go. That and I just love to look around VS. When we went in, we first went to the sale section. It's a tiny little section, but hey, sale stuff is sale stuff lol. My mom pointed out this adorable top! It's long sleeves, white, and says LOVE PINK on the front. LOVE is in orange sequins and PINK is in pink sequins. Such a cute top! I found one in my size and grabbed it. Then we went to find our panties. I was debating whether I wanted to spend $19.99 on a top. It was on sale, original price was $39.99. So it was half off. Still... $20 for ONE top. I was about to back out when my mom remembered she had her angel's card on her. So she got the top too! She put mine on her angel card too and said I can just pay her back later. So sweet! Now we have matching tops. They look a lot like the slouchy raglan's I got before. They're really soft too. I would recommend IF you're willing to spend $20 on a top lol.

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