Thursday, May 1, 2014

Time Warner Cable Review!

I HATE TWC WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING! Let me elaborate. We had Dish. LOVED Dish. Never had any issues with them. However, we had their bundle that included home phone and internet. Well AT&T is also horrible. I can't stand them. We had multiple internet issues. This last problem we had started a few days ago. For some reason our wireless internet stopped working. We could still get on the desktop and use internet just fine. AT&T just sat there and scratched their heads and said, "Well, uh, dur! I dunno what's wrong. I dunno why your wireless doesn't work". Okay morons. Whatever. So we had enough of them. TWC came today. Man am I hating it. I hate almost everything about it. All I LIKE about it is that you can tape 2 shows at once on 1 TV. That's all. Everything else about it is AWFUL. If you have Dish and are thinking about switching to TWC. Unless you HATE Dish, DO NOT SWITCH! TWC is CRAP! The remote is awful. It's nothing like Dish at all. It's also challenged. I have to push buttons really hard to get them to work. This is what I hate most about it. Let me start this with an example. So Wed nights at 9pm there are new episodes of CSI, Chicago PD, and The Americans. Well you can only tape 2 at once. So Dish used to go, "Okay, CSI and Chicago PD are a higher priority than The Americans. So I'll tape them at 9 and then tape this same episode of The Americans at a later air time." TWC basically says, fix it your effing self. You have to either set the timer to tape "New and repeats" (and if you do that for a show like Bates Motel, you'll end up with 50 MILLION episodes in 1 day). OR you can manually go in and find a later air time and set it to tape that. Seriously? Why do I have to do so much work? It's the same damn episode, why can't it just set itself to tape the same episode but at a later time? I'm so frustrated and furious. I will never again in my life get TWC. They are not worth the headache.

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