Wednesday, June 11, 2014

1-855-645-1916 WARNING!

Instead of doing a review today, I'm putting out a warning. Today I got a call from this number. They left a message asking for "Tessa". Since my name is Jess, people mistake it for Tess or Tessa all the time. So I called back. They claimed to be UMB. I'm always really paranoid about this stuff, which is why I can't believe I gave them my debit card number! They sounded legit. Immediately afterward I got this horrible feeling. I have amazing intuition, so I knew something was really wrong. I called a UMB bank card dept number I had in my phone (and later verified with UMB to be sure that number did indeed belong to them) and cancelled my card. She said no damage was done. She checked my transactions for me, and I verified that I made all of them. She said my new card will be here within 7 business days. I feel like such an ass! I never fall for this stuff and there I went! Falling for it. Do not let these people fool you. They are not who they say they are. I did some research on the number and found that they don't ONLY pretend to be UMB, they pretend to be all kinds of businesses. So just be very aware. If a number you don't recognize calls you and wants info such as your card number or social security number, DO NOT GIVE IT OUT! Verify who is calling you. If those people call me again they're gonna get a piece of my mind! Be careful guys! Unfortunately I was at work when it happened or I would have searched them before I even called them back. I had just used my card so I thought maybe it was flagged or something. That's why I called back. Which was foolish. At least my card is cancelled and no damage was done. I will NEVER let that happen again. BE CAREFUL GUYS! They sound legit, so it's easy to fall for it. Don't let them scare you either! Bastards...

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