Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dark Skies Review!

Routinely I search horror movies on Dish. It pops up all the one's that will be playing for up to 9 days in advance. I saw Dark Skies, but when I read the info, I saw it was an alien movie. So I skipped it. However, I ended up taping a movie on the same channel that Dark Skies was on. They showed previews for it and it looked amazing. So even though I'm not a huge fan of alien movies, I went ahead and taped it. It was an excellent movie! I was really impressed. I can typically figure out the ending of horror movies ahead of time, but this ending threw me for a loop! I was really excited that they "got me" ha ha. I was also a little disappointed I didn't pick up on the clues. Had I been analyzing a little more, I would have figured it out! Oh well =). It's about a couple and their two sons. Apparently they were chosen by aliens for an invasion. It starts off innocently enough. Then it really picks up and gets super strange! You're almost scratching your head going, "What just happened?!". I think the ending was the best part. Especially because it seems they left the door open for a sequel. I hope they do one! I'm not sure if this movie was in theaters or anything. It came out in 2013. Keri Russell is in it. I thought she did a real bang up job. Good acting, fascinating story line. I absolutely recommend it. Not only to those who enjoy alien movies, but to those who like to be challenged and thinking and trying to figure out what's going on. It's a lot more physiological than I thought it would be! 

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