Tuesday, June 17, 2014

AZO Yeast Infection Tablets Review! Update

I've been taking these everyday for over a couple months now to avoid getting another yeast infection. I've only had three in my entire life, but the last two I got came one after another. I got one when I was about to start my period and then another when I started the following period. Way too close together. And completely unfair lol. These tablets are amazing though. And they're natural, which is amazing. They really do help. So if you have a yeast infection or are prone to them, take these daily after the infection clears (these are NOT a cure for an infection, they just keep them at bay after the infection clears). They do also help with symptoms while you currently have one. I recommend them highly. They're less than $7 at Target for a 60 tablet count. Which is a two month supply! So that's pretty cheap!

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