Monday, June 16, 2014 Review!

I've been using Plenty of Fish on and off since 2011. After being single for a couple months, I decided I wanted to try something new. So I joined OkCupid. It's another free dating site. I think I like OKC better because if you take the time and effort to answer a bunch of questions they have on their site, they can rate how well you match others. I also like the way their profile works. You can put as many pictures as you want (8 on POF, 16 if you pay monthly). On the profile they also have more areas, so you can put more information. I really took advantage of that, since I don't really say much on my POF profile, I figured I'd try a little harder on OKC. I actually have already messaged with some pretty cool guys. One gave me his number (that I actually was interested in enough to text lol). There are of course plenty of men I'm not interested in. I like OKC though, I would recommend it to people trying to find someone. Especially because it's free. You can join A-list, which has a monthly fee, but I haven't really run into a lot of features you DON'T get when you just have the free profile.

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