Monday, March 17, 2014

Target Spring Preview from Influenster Review!

My Target Spring Preview voxbox came today! Yay! I got it from Influenster for testing purposes. I was really hoping I would get the Crest toothpaste or mouthwash. Or even a hair product. Something I need and use often. I ended up getting a Sonia Kashuk tinted moisturizer. I have a bunch of make up. I have like 4 foundations of Maybelline's that I bought to try. I don't use any of them anymore and am gonna be throwing them away soon. They leave my face looking flaky. I also refuse to use ones with SPF in them. If they aren't an organic product, the SPF is NOT natural. Meaning it has chemicals in it that are bad for you. They actually have proven that some of the chemicals in SPF can cause cancer. I use my Yes To Grapefruit CC Cream. It's organic and it also has SPF, but it's natural of course, so it's safe to use. This tinted moisturizer has SPF in it, and since it isn't an organic product, it's made with chemicals. So I'm opting out of using this product. I'll probably just throw it away. I did put a little bit on my wrist so I can try it to review it and do my tasks for Influenster and such. It's darker than my skin tone. They sent me beige. I'm not sure if this was the only shade they had, or they assumed that I was beige off of past surveys I've done? Although, I have never been considered a beige color. I always fall into the ivories. I really wish I would have gotten a different product. I'm disappointed with the one I got. Though I suppose free is free and I do appreciate Influenster picking me to be a part of this box. I'm always ready to try new things.


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