Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Organic Non Dairy Cheese Review!

As I mentioned in my last post, I can't have dairy for a while. It's been a very interesting journey so far, looking for things that I can have in my diet lol. I tried the cheese yesterday. Oh my goodness! Most disgusting thing I think I have ever tried in my life! Well maybe I won't go that far lol, but it's super gross! I was really disappointed too. The after taste was the worst part! And it threw me off because it smelled like normal cheese! Sure didn't taste like it though, wow! If you still think this is something you'd like to try, I found it in the health food section of Hy Vee. Any place that has organic foods should have it though. You won't be able to find it in a Walmart or Target though, Hy Vee is the only store I know of in the midwest that has a health food section.

*If I remember correctly it was around $3 for the slices. They look like those Kraft single cheeses.

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