Friday, January 24, 2014

Temptations Cat Treats Review!

I've gotten the cats in my life all kinds of treats, but the Temptations ones seem to be the biggest hit. I don't even bother with other kinds anymore. Temptations has a wide variety of flavors too. Just recently we went through the beef flavored ones. We have 3 inside cats and 1 outside cat. There are a bunch of strays we feed too, but they're too afraid to get close to us. All the cats seemed to really like the beef flavor, except my 7 month old female kitten. She really didn't seem to care for them much. I got them the dairy flavor for Christmas (yes I get the animals Christmas gifts lol). All the cats like this flavor, including my little girl. I would recommend these treats for anyone with cats. Walmart and Target carry them, I pay around $3 for a decent sized bag that lasts a few months.

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